Thursday, March 26, 2015

The room with a view - Bathrooms that open up

IN what can only be called a hotly contested debate, the discussion between open and closed bathrooms is one that really heats up. We are driven to this post by a recent post on Social Media about the Open Plan Master suite - Something we like to call the Parents Retreat rather than the normal Ensuite. 


Personally we feel that design is about people, their unique sets of needs and requirements this is what makes a house a home, spaces are designed to enhance peoples time in them. Not to just live in a space awaiting the time to resell and maximise your financial investment - life is not about how much money we make but more about the times shared and spent whilst here. 

The man thing with any room or home you are creating is thought, now we are not saying this room or openness is for everybody it is not but if say you and your partner had completely different time schedules then considerations have to be made that work. ie the ability to close down the space or duel access. 

Our main drive with this space was to create a space that would appeal to potential buyers, yes thats right this soon to be Home was a spec house. We needed to open up to the asset which was the view, this top floor was the last room that would have been viewed by the potential buyer so we wanted there to be a real sense of arrival....a coming home if you like.

We live very busy lives and to get that sense of calm in our homes is important. 

This stunning space features a wonderful bespoke wardrobe with his and hers set ups, it has our wonderful ScoopED washbasin and Hung lift recessed wall cabinet along with our make up concept - a area of make up next to the view. The Pietra Grey marble is a real is a real winning. 

We hope you like this stunning bathroom & Parents Retreat, when creating open plan or semi open plan retreats you just need to be mindful of the elements you do not want to see, tuck them away or put a door on them. 




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