Friday, December 12, 2014

The Galley Kitchen can command space - Efficient design practice

There is always a lot of talk about what is the best kitchen layout? is it the island, the U shape, Galley and the inline, Most clients ask does the inline really work? Well there is always circumstance to be considered in any "is this better than that" in the design world; in this case the L shaped galley styled kitchen integrates space to make it dynamic and efficient. 


Before we cover why lets go back a little; design is relevant to those that live and use the space but also to the space that is offered to it. In this case we are looking at a very narrow inner city terrace house, the two side walls are common and the back has now been extended to the maximum length allowed by the local council, so there is no more room to pinch from anywhere. 

It was/is very important in the design process  to understand the use, the function of the users - in this case a small family utilising the spaces. The considerations of this entire space are;- kitchen obviously the prep and cooking of food on a three x daily basis. The dinning and repurposing a family antique and then the lounge area, now in todays terms this is open plan living but i think what has been created here is the modern day "living room" it takes all of these elements in and connects them, makes it one space for many to share. To interact and function as a busy family that they are. 


There are little tricks here in the design to make the space feel larger, we have connected the full length of the space to draw our eye thru, lighting is very layered so we can control under all of the functions required & the colour palette is simple and neutral. 


What we have created here in this 3D concept of this new living space is integration, integration of living elements into one very dynamic space. This type of inline kitchen is highly functional as you are always working next to your self, so there is no turning or spinning it is all at long as the thought goes into the location and space under bench thus style of kitchen would have to be a favourite. The storage spaces are maximised as to are the living areas and if you have a small family and you want to live close to the city.....then for me this is a great space! 

enjoy the images.















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