•To bring a touch of glamour to a small bathroom space
•Although the bathroom is to be different to the other three bathrooms in this renovation there was a need for it to have its own identity
Products Required
•Double washbasin (preferably wall mounted), good storage, Double shower, toilet & Bidet
The Constraints
•A circular window that could not be changed
•Structural Piers
•Fixed Floor waste locations
The Solution
•The layout of the bathroom as far as bathroom fixtures went, was self selecting; there were real challenges with this space. The first was to establish a way to get the plumbing were it needed and how do i treat the circular window that can not be changed! The designer decided the best thing was to create a false wall to do two things. First thing was it allowed the running of plumbing works and secondly it depend the round window and made it a real feature. This was then tiled with the selected Bisazza feature tile to highlight the depth and push the eye thru to the Bondi view.
•A floor to ceiling cabinet was placed in front of the structural pier and applied with mirror, this has a two fold action...one it allows for a full length mirror and second it gives great storage. The storage has a benchtop inside with GPO’s located inside to allow for the use of all electrical goods and keeps them away from the water points.
•The next hurdle was the shower, it was decide to create a false floor and dropped ceiling, feature tiles were applied for to make the space feel taller. LED lights have been applied to the vertical wall opposite the Bisazza wall to make the pearl tiles glisten and shine
•The custom made washbasin was selected to give the client a simple streamlined affect, slow flow tapware is required to maximise the function of this “flat” washbasin. LED lighting was applied to the underside of the washbasin & also the joinery below to highlight the free space to give a feeling of depth.
•Mirror was applied to the two return piers to make them disappear and to give a greater feeling depth to the bathroom this also helped with the glamour.
•Pendant lights were selected for their decorative appearance and applied in front of the side faced mirrors
Design statement
The clever use of recessed joinery, mirror and light gives this small bathroom a real touch of glamour. With a large amount of bathroom products required the real success to this bathroom is the overall feeling of space achieved by the designers - MInosa.
Custom Double ScoopED by Minosa |
Clever use of mirrors makes the space feel that much larger! |
Side mounted LED lights adds a touch of bling tot he Bisazza tiles...they seem to shimmer more when lite from the front! |
The once ugly round window is now a real feature..we triple the depth of the reveal to run all plumbing works and to highlight the rooms once ugly point! |
who wants a door when your parents retreat looks like this! |
Catalina and Smith Sweet light..... |